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Swai Fish with rice July 31, 2015

Filed under: Recipes-Delicacies — Enny A @ 11:45 pm

I have never eat or cook fish called Swai until today. I decided to give it a try. And the result was better than I thought.

Swai fish (2)

Swai fish









Here is the recipe:


Boneless, skinless Swai fish, about a pound.

1/ 2 lemon or lime juice for cooking, 1/2 lemon juice for serving.

1 teaspoon Basil, 1/2 teaspoon Black pepper

1/2 teaspoon Salt

2 table spoon Olive Oil

1 table spoon of bread crumbs

How to:

Place fish on a shallow pan, add olive oil, black pepper, basil, salt and 1/2 of lemon juice.

Cover for 2 minutes,  check to see if the fish is tender, cook for another 3 minutes uncover or until all the juice and liquid evaporate. Sprinkle on top with bread crumb, cook until golden as you can see in the picture.  Flip carefully not to disturb the shape of the fish, taste it, add salt if desire.

Place on a flat dish on a bed of rice, add the remaining lemon juice on top of fish, garnish with vegetable of your choice. In my case, I like Broccoli and Carrot as picture above.


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